Intrigued by the character of Medea and on the basis of Heiner Müller’s poem Verkommenes Ufer / Medeamaterial / Landschaft mit Argonauten, the young theatre-makers of lab.oratorium are examining our globalised world, where everyone is under non-stop pressure to extend their own limits. Going against prevailing interpretations, they detach Medea from the question of guilt and shift the focus to the reasons for her deeds, as a social figure. What gives anyone the right to judge who is to be excluded or killed? Do knowledge and moral action go hand in hand? Heiner Müller’s writings lend themselves to a range of interpretations, which enables both reality and its representation to be questioned.
concept / director — Aïda Gabriëls
music — Innerwoud & Astrid Stockman
movement — Lieselot Vanderroost
dramaturge — Ylona Supèr
production by Muziektheater Transpart
with the support of Consouling Sounds, deSingel, Ancienne Belgique