What is left of the enemy and its death feud when being slaughtered itself?

I AM THE ENEMY YOU KILLED MY FRIEND is a performative act based on Wilfred Owen’s war poem where the justification of the battle is questioned. Throughout the interdisciplinary process it’s the war itself that is coming up for trial in the court house. On the battle field a quartet of two dancers, a live videomaker and a musician are willing to take the blame and keen to drag the audience with them in debt and penalty.

By posing the question of guilt unexplicitly during the performance, the audience is subjected to a process of raising awareness and invited to interfere and interact with what is happening on the battlefield. The live video and screening on two of the four sides assures confrontation between the audience and their own passive position.

première on November 10th at Concertgebouw Brugge, Belgium

concept + direction — Aïda Gabriëls

live music — Tatu Rönkkö

live video — Nana Vaneessen

created with & performed by Oihanna Azpillaga & Lieselot Vanderroost

dramaturgy —Ylona Supèr & Tessa Vannieuwenhuyze

with the support of Muziektheater Transparant & Ultima Vez