Here. That is where we are at. (But) are we aware of what was before? Do we really know where we come from? We arrive in the now. A world which has been existing before anyone around us was there. A universe saturated with rules, norms, values, prejudices, cultural defined characteristics, language, hierarchy and so much more. Products from human development, structuring our everyday life. Our existence is – despite our materialistic nature – based on invisible things and thereby demands suspicion of disbelief. Rules are not to be touched by the hands, power itself is not visible for the eye, language carries meaning.

Here. In time and space we arrive. We were preceded, and we will be over lived. Others will continue after our own final moment in the ‘here’. We are just a segment within the bigger picture. We are temporary and thereby able to give sense. Defined existence allows us to start from scratch and live towards something. Our being is shaped throughout life time. Our inner and outer presence is clayed into a shape we think to assemble ourselves. Too often we are not aware of the fact that this process is mainly subjected to external forces. ‘The Other’ is a critical entity, not only deciding on how the outer world is perceiving us but also creating the image we have of ourselves. But you are not alone. On his turn, ‘The Other’ is also influenced by others. All together we are embedded in a bigger structure of rules, norms and so on which was created and is maintained by our very own selves.

“Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here.  And when it does come, we no longer exist.”  — Epicurus

Disposed of any kind of particularity two dancers explore the process of being born, beginning from the begin, arriving in a structuralized context. An undefined force roams around. Astrid seemingly conducts the everyday life and process of growing. She does not stand in this world but acts from out. Through voice and presence, she triggers the mechanism of awareness and realization. The two freshly born personae grow physically and psychologically. Throughout this process of growth, they interact and develop and shape themselves and the other like molded clay. The outer force inspires and destructs, provokes and stabilizes the dancers who slowly emancipate. They no longer passively undergo the sudden caprices and outdated realities of the soprano. The two entities, conceived and developed by her, slowly break out and manifest themselves towards the source they originate from. The clay figures, once living by the prescribed rules, now return to the inner force and instincts of the own. No longer they quietly follow without resistance. They empower themselves and the other to step out of the structure reinstalling the weight of earthy impulses and intuition.

A research on how we sometimes inevitably need to break things down and escape in order to be able to get closer to the truth. In times where we get born on an established path with prerecorded rules, expectations, dreams and hopes it is time to criticize and crush and find back common ground with our inner self, stripped of what is not ours, what is not natural. Demolition, though a painful and unpleasant thing to go through hopefully turns into instinctive rehabilitation. But how can we reinstall ourselves and the alliances with the other and the outer force we cannot control?

Production Elclimamola Communication & Distribution Nicolas Ricchini (Big Story Performing Arts services)Coproduction Pyrénart et ICI-CCN de Montpellier / Occitanie – in the frame of Life Long Burning supported by the European Comission, Grec 2019 Festival de Barcelona, Temporada Alta 2018, Charleroi danse · Centre chorégraphique de Wallonie – Bruxelles In collaboration with Temporada Alta 2018, Circa – pôle national cirque à Auch, Festival internacional de Artes Escénicas ZGZ Escena, KLAP Maison pour la danse à Marseille, La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse / Occitanie and Teatro Auditorio San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Teatros del Canal)With the support of Generalitat de Catalunya – Departament de Cultura